6 Ways to Promote Your Music When You’re Stuck In 2022


Are you stuck with music promotion ideas for your artist poject?

These days growing an artist’s career asks a lot of us and it’s hard…

Demands are high and challenges are big.

Talking to hundreds of artists and record labels, and analyzing a thousand more, we’re seeing all the marketing strategies imaginable.

As this is our job, we can help you understand:


  1. Growing your spotify playlist
  2. How you can use social media
  3. Why livestreaming is huge
  4. What collaborations can bring you
  5. How some artists vlog to fame
  6. One unique opportunity


Let’s get started.


Create a Spotify Playlist to organically reach fans

One of the best ways to promote your music – especially if you’re an unknown artist – is by making a playlist on Spotify.

Spotify playlists are a great way to promote your music and get organic listens and potential organic fans.

A playlist can be a stepping stone to your single promotion or a complete album.

This can help you build a following in the long run.

And get people to listen to all your music in the future.

Spotify playlist marketing has already become hugely popular in recent years.

But why? It’s so hard to advertise and grow a playlist.

It’s actually because of the fact that it is a relatively inexpensive form of advertising on Spotify.

When creating a playlist you can think about one specific event, such as a music festival, or something more general like a top 100 songs from different genres.

However, most playlists on Spotify are mood based.



Social Media Promotion: Actively uploading content to TikTok and Reels

TikTok and Instagram reels have defined the new generation of social media content.

And their popularity is only growing.

Artists have an opportunity to tap into an enormous new market of potential customers.

Now, aren’t there only kids on TikTok?

Of course, young people have always been at the forefront of popular culture.

It’s no surprise that TikTok has attracted this demographic in record numbers.

What you need to understand is that people of every age like using TikTok.

TikTok has over 1 billion users.

With every video you upload on TikTok, you gain more exposure, likes, comments and shares.

Better said:

With every video you DO NOT upload on TikTok, you throw away free exposure, engagement and new fans.

The good news is that every video on TikTok and Instagram Reels has the opportunity to go viral.

It’s also your place to see what is trending in music and social media.

And if you’re lucky, someday you see yourself in the trends.

Be smart about this opportunity!



Livestream Performances

While livestreaming is mostly used for gaming and other entertainment content…

There is a growing community of musicians who are using these platforms to perform and connect with fans.

As a musician, you can use livestreaming to reach a wide audience and connect with your fans in a real and interactive way.

How cool if you can give them a behind-the-scenes look at your music-making process?

You can answer questions, give them a sneak peek of new music, and even hold jam sessions.

Idea: use this input and feedback to determine your next single and you’ll be sure they will love it!

When you livestream on recurring times people know when to expect you and spend their afternoon or evening with you.

This is amazing for building a following and community.



Start A YouTube Series About Your Progress

Starting a YouTube series documenting your journey as a musician is a beautiful way to get people hooked on your artist project.

Next to that it’s a great way to share your music with a hyper connected audience.

The record labels and streaming services can follow your consistency and determination towards your goals.

Starting a YouTube series is easy and only requires a few things: a camera, a microphone, and a YouTube account.

It does take time, consistency and persistence to keep videos up in the same routine.

To lighten that effort for you a bit…

Think about the power of the content you’ve just created.

It’s incredibly useful to be able to cut this long-form content into pieces and re-use it for your Instagram and TikTok videos.

Whatever you decide to film, make sure you’re passionate about it and that you’re providing value to your viewers.

If you’re not sure where to start, check out some of your favorite musicians’ YouTube channels for inspiration.


Look for Unique Ways to Promote Your Music ‘Offline’

Now, we can keep talking about all the ways to promote your music online.

But guess what…

When everyone’s thinking about online, who’s thinking about offline?

You may be surprised to learn that there are actually a lot of unique ways to promote your music offline as well.

When you take a local approach, it helps to distribute flyers and posters in local music venues.

Take some extra time to visit a local influencer.

Leave CDs or USBs with your music at local businesses.

Play concerts in public places.

Give out free t-shirts or other merchandise with your name and logo.

While doing this real-world stuff, keep in mind it allows you to create content that you can re-use online!

A great example we like to promote are buskers on TikTok.



Collaborate With Other Artists and Labels

Collaborating with other artists and labels can be a great way to reach new fans and grow your audience.

Invite other musicians to collaborate on a song or album.

You could also do a joint tour or promotional campaign.

It doesn’t have to be this intense though…

You could simply guest-star on someone else’s podcast or YouTube channel.

Collaborating allows you to pool your resources and come up with some really creative marketing campaigns.

And if you didn’t know: collaborating allows you to tap into someone’s Spotify Release Radar playlist.

No matter what you do, collaborating with others is a great way to expand your reach and get your music out there to new people.


Similarly, record labels sometimes bring in a fanbase of their own.

Some forward facing record labels within hip hop and EDM have whole communities supporting every release coming through the label.

Don’t be afraid to reach out and collaborate – you never know what might come of it!



Ok genius, what’s your next step?

You’ve now seen a quick overview of some of the most powerful music promotion strategies today.

We believe you can do it. The biggest step is… actually doing it.

Start investing your time and energy into something that is actually going to move your career.

Good luck, we hope to see you in the charts.


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